Is your hard-earned money protected well? We often think about how to earn more money. Only a few of us safeguard them properly. More than the avenues of finding money, there are avenues of...
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Compassion means being sensitive to another person’s suffering. It is generated when you see another person's suffering and work toward relieving the person from the suffering. In Buddhist texts,...
Human beings are social beings. They love to be with each other. Whether it is home, workplace, or in society, people like to stay together with their companions. When someone tries to be alone,...
Our way of income is very important for both our physical and mental health. Also, we can help to make a difference through our occupations. Therefore, we should engage in a righteous...
Death is a taboo in most societies. We do not like to talk about this topic and push it off to the future. However, everyone born as a human being faces death as a natural consequence. The...
Words are very powerful. We communicate with each other through words. Words can praise or humiliate, encourage or discourage, bless or curse another individual. We need to think before we...