Death is a taboo in most societies. We do not like to talk about this topic and push it off to the future. However, everyone born as a human being faces death as a natural consequence. The...
Category: Mindfulness Exercises
Do the racing thoughts keep you awake at night? Do you dwell on the past and the future too often? Do your verbal and physical deeds easily change according to your thinking pattern? Mind is like...
Loneliness is something all of us have felt at least once in our lives. You may feel isolated when there is no one around you. Even if you are surrounded by other people, if you cannot connect...
Everyone is talking about mindfulness and meditation these days. You know it is beneficial and would like to start practicing meditation. Still, you cannot keep your body in the meditation posture...
Challenges are a part of everyday life. Regardless of who or what you are, obstacles come your way in the journey of life. Some people get discouraged when they get challenges in life. If we observe...
Food is a life-giver, keeps us healthy and strong. If there is one main thing that every being needs, that is food. No matter how much you like food, it should be taken at a moderate level....